Blog Title and Tagline

The title of my blog is “The Workings of a Socially Awkward”s Cranium” and is inspired by my interactions with people. I can’t quite seem to get along smoothly with people I meet – oh the weird and awkward moments I’ve had – leading me to the conclusion that I’m socially awkward. My blog therefore is supposed to be a reservoir of my musings.
My tagline, “Gears and Pistons in Motion chale” simply describes the clockwork of thoughts in my head. Chale is a Ghanaian (and Nigerian) thing that’s synonymous to “dude”, “homey”, “friend” etc. 🙂
And oh, my blog’s url!
Thanks @dianebidi for the reminder.

Who I am and why I’m Here

Why are you blogging publicly, rather than keeping a personal journal?

What good’s a personal journal when there’s so much to share with the world? I do keep a personal journal though, but I’d rather share.

What topics do you think you’ll write about?

Topic, topic, topic? Um, I can’t say for sure. I suppose, music, poetry, fiction, art, lifestyle, technology, ME (definitely me )

Who would you love to connect with via your blog?

Literary geniuses, lol. As many cool people as possible. Where cool in my dictionary involves artists (illustrators especially), writers, programmers, musicians and practical fashionistas.

If you blog successfully throughout the next year, what would you hope to have accomplished?

If (and that’s a big if) I do blog throughout 2015, wow! That’d be an accomplishment in itself, then of course, I hope to connect with as many people as I possibly can, people who can challenge me intellectually and especially, creatively! I do hope also to share what being me, a social inept (I think) is like and how I cope. I also hope to change perceptions about what it means to be a young, urban Ghanaian and African. Hell, I’m in my room, behind a computer not on top of some tree in a jungle! Ha!!)

Ok, now that those are questions are done with, let’s see. Who am I? I’m Kadi, (or Jason), I blog at this url. I occasionally write and work for an art organization, I almost make beats and I almost write code. I pretend to write fiction and I’m amazed by the amount of work out there in the paranormal, historical fiction, sci-fi and fantasy genres. I’m in my final year of college, doing a major in Information Studies (don’t ask me about it, kidding) and boy does the world after graduation scare me! I’m socially inept and steady navigating the maze that is human interactions.
Why I’m here? I’ve had a blog for a couple of years, but haven’t seen much traction which translates into zero impact. I hate that! If I’m ever going to do anything, I’d like it to be meaningful and have some impact, no matter how small. I’m here to learn, improve, meet new people and expand my perspectives on human nature.